Sunday, January 13, 2013

National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Image from
As microminiholidayettes go, we will concede only that celebrating National Dress Up Your Pet Day is slightly less awful than Bendict Arnold's Birthday -- and, yes, the arch-traitor was born on January 14, 1741.

Our crack research staff notes, however, that the Continental Congress ratified the peace treaty with Great Britain on January 14, 1784, thus officially ending the American Revolutionary War. This can be celebrated (some of the Usual Suspects point out) as Ratification Day.

We would recommend Ratification Day as Monday's excuse for celebration, or even National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day or Caesarean Section Day (and both of these also fall on Monday) -- anything, really, just not National Dress Up Your Pet Day.

Unless you've got piranhas. Yes, that might be interesting.

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