Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 10 is the International Day of Awesomeness

The Usual Suspects are in rare accord on this one: Sunday, March 10 will be the International Day of Awesomeness (motto: "No one's perfect, but everyone can be awesome").

Inasmuch as the leading alternative seems to be National Blueberry Popover Day, we won't argue with it. We're just not going to try and describe what awesomeness is.

Sunday is also the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and the feast day of Pope Saint Simplicius. Simplicius (that's him, on the left) was Pope from A.D. 468-483, years that coincided with the death throes of the Western Roman Empire. Simplicius died of natural causes on March 10, 483 (and when you think about it, it was pretty awesome that a prominent person was actually able to die of natural causes during those turbulent times).

In most of the United States, tomorrow is the day we 'spring forward' to daylight savings time. Set your clocks ahead an hour so that you're on time for everything on Sunday. And, while you're at it, check the batteries on your smoke detectors, too. (Usual Suspect calls Sunday Check Your Batteries Day.) Being on time and safely escaping a house fire are both pretty awesome, each in their own way.

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