Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thursday is High-5 Day

It's too late to get a t-shirt, but you can still register for National High-5 Day, as silly a microminiholidayette as any, but one with a serious and distinctive purpose, raising money for five cancer centers around the United States.

Usual Suspect notes that Thursday will be Poem in Your Pocket Day. The American Academy of Poets encourages you to "[s]elect a poem, carry it with you, and share it with others throughout the day." Although we like this idea, we would recommend against declaiming, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways," while you are riding a crowded bus or subway. Your fellow passengers may misunderstand.

Perhaps the most entertaining microminiholidayette for Thursday, however, is National Velociraptor Day.

The Great San Francisco Earthquake took place on April 18, 1906. Most of the city was destroyed in the quake or the fires that followed. Guatemala's second largest city, Quetzaltenango, was largely destroyed by earthquake on April 18, 1902. But you probably never heard about that one when you were in school, something for which you should be grateful, because Quetzaltenango is nearly impossible to spell.

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