Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is there any 'domestic' animal less cooperative than the house cat?

Image obtained from linked Mental Floss post.
Mental Floss is among the sites touting today as National Cat Herder's Day.

Herding cats is an expression that is similar to, if less painful than, beating one's head against a wall: If it were a real occupation, there would probably be no job with a lower job satisfaction rating than that of cat herder. Even if two or more cats were inclined to go in the direction indicated by the cat herder, once they realized that this was the cat herder's wish, the felines would be constitutionally incapable of complying.

And speaking of the Constitution (and how's that for a smooth, professional transition, eh?) today is also The Bill of Rights Day. First proclaimed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941, this observance commemorates Virginia's adoption of the Bill of Rights on December 15, 1791. Virginia's action caused the Bill of Rights to become effective today, 221 years ago.

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